Die Geheimnisse der Alpenfestung |
U1 Sank in South of
Norway 15-4-1940 *
U2 Sank for Pillau 8-4-1940 * U3 Taken out of service in Gotenhafen 31-7-1944 U4 Taken out of service in Gotenhafen 31-7-1944 U5 Sank for Pillau 19-3-1943 * U6 Taken out of service and later destroyed 7-8-1944 U7 Sank for Pillau * U8 Self destroyed Mai 1945 U9 Sank in Konstanza/ Romenie U10 Taken out of service and later destroyed Juli 1944 U11 Taken out of service in Gotenhafen 14-12-1944. Self destroyed 3-5-1945 U12 Sank for Dover 8-10-39 * U13 Sank North East of Newcastle 31-5-1940 U14 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U15 Sank in the North sea 1-2- 1940 * U16 Sank for Dover 24-10-1939 * U17 Self destroyed Mai 1945 U18 Self destroyed in Kostanza/ Romenie 25-8-1944 U19 Self destroyed for the coast of Turkey 10-9-1944 U20 Self destroyed for the coast of Turkey 10-9-1944 U21 Taken out of service in Pillau 5-8-1944 U22 Sank in Jammirbucht/ Skagerrak 25-4-1940 * U23 Self destroyed for the coast of Turkey 10-9-1944 U24 Self destroyed in Kostanza/ Romenie U25 Sank in the North Sea 3-8-1940 * U26 Sank in the North Atlantik 1-7-1940 * U27 Sank in Northwestl.d. Hebriden 20-9-1939 * U28 Taken out of service 4-7-1944 U29 Self destroyed in Flensburger Förde 5-5-1945 U30 Self destroyed in Flensburger Förde 5-5-1945 U31 Sank in North West of Ireland 2-11-1940 * U32 Sank in North West of Ireland 30-10-1940 U33 Sank before the Firth ot Clyde 12-2-1940 * U34 Smash at 5-8-1943 and taken out of service at 8-9-1943 U35 Sank in the North Sea 20-11-1939 * U36 Sank in the North Sea 4-12-1939 * U37 Self destroyed in Sonderburger Bucht 3-5-1945 U38 Self destroyed in Wesermünde 2-5-1945 U39 Sank in Westl. der Herbriden 14-9-1939 * U40 Sank in Kanal 13-10-1939 + U41 Sank in the North Atlantik 5-2-1940 + U42 Sank in the North Atlantik 13-10-1939 + U43 Sank Südwestl. der Azoren 30-7-1943 * U44 Sank in the North Sea 20-3-1940 + U45 Sank East of Ireland 14-10-1939 + U46 Self destroyed in Flensburg Mai 1945 U47 Sank South of Ireland 7-3-1941 + U48 Self destroyed Mai 1945 U50 Sank North East of the Shetland Islands 10-4-1940 + U51 Sank in Biskaya 20-8-1940 * U52 Self destroyed Mai 1945 U53 Sank vor dem Nordkanal 21-2-1940 U54 Lost in the North Sea since February1940 Reason unknown. Pieces of the wreck where found. U55 Sank vor dem Eingang zum England Kanal 30-1-1940 * U56 Sank in Kiel 28-4-1945 * U57 Self destroyed in Kiel Sept 1940 U58 Self destroyed in Kiel 3-5-1945 U59 Taken out of service in Kiel April 1945 U60 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U61 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U62 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U63 Sank south of the Shetland islands 25-2-1940 * U64 Sank in Herjangsfjord 13-4-1940 * U65 Sank Südöstl. Island 28-4-1941 + U66 Sank Westl. Kapverdische Inseln 6-5-1944 * U67 Sank in the Middle Atlantik 16-7-1943 * U68 U69 Sank in the North Atlantik 17-2-1943 + U70 Sank Südösdl. Von Island 7-3-1941 * U71 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U72 Sank in Bremen 30-3-1945 * U73 Sank North of Oran 16-12-43 * U74 Sank East of Cartagena 2-5-1942 + U75 Sank for Marsa Matruk 28-12-41* U76 Sank Südl.von Island 5-4-1941* U77 Sank East of Cartagena 28-3-1943 * U78 Sank for Pillau 16-4-1945 * U79 Sank North of Sollum 23-12-1941 * U80 Sank West of Pillau 28-11-1944 * U81 Sank Pola/istrien 9-1-1944 * U82 Sank North East of the Azoren 6-2-1942 + U83 Sank South East of Cartagena 4-3-1943 + U84 Sank Middle Atlantik 24-8-1943 + U85 Sank by Cape Hatteras 14-4-1942 + U86 Sank East of the Azoren 29-11-1943 + U87 Sank in the North Atlantik 4-3-1943 + U88 Sank Südl. Spitzbergen 14-9-1942 + U89 Sank in the North Atlantik 12-5-1943 + U90 Sank East of New Foundland 24-7 1942 + U91 Sank middle North Atlantik 25-2-1944 * U92 Taken out of service in Bergen/ Norway 12-10-1944 U93 Sank in the North East of Madeira 15-1-1942 * U94 Sank South West of Haiti 28-8-1942 * U95 Sank South West of Almeria 28-11-1941 * U96 Sank in Wilhelmshaven 30-3-1945 * U97 Sank West of Haifa 16-6-1943 * U98 Sank South West Kap St. Vincent 19-11-1942 + U99 Sank Südöstl. Von Island 17-3-1941 * U100 Sank Südöstl. Von Island 17-3-1941* U101 U102 Sank North West of Madeira 10-5-1944 * U103 Taken out of service 1944 U104 Sank North Atlantik 21-11-1940 + U105 Sank for Dakar 2-6-1943 + U106 Sank in the North Atlantik 2-8-1943 * U107 auf Überführungsfahrt von Lorient 18-8-1944 + U108 Attacked and bombarded by Stettin 11-4-1944. Self destroyed Mai 1945 U109 Sank in the North Atlantik 7-5-1943 + U110 Sank East of Cape Farewell * U111 Sank South West of Teneriffa + U112 U113 U114 U115 U116 Trackless in North Atlantik since Oct 1942 + U117 Sank in mittl. Northatlantik 7-8-1943 + U118 Sank in the North Atlantik 12-6-1943 + U119 Sank in the North Atlantik 24-6-1943 + U120 Self Destroyed at Bremerhaven Mai 1945 U121 Self Destroyed in Wesermünde 2-5-1945 U122 Trackless in North Sea 21-6-1940 + U123 Taken out of service in Lorient 19-8-1944, later given to the Allied forces 1945 U124 Sank in the North Atlantik 2-4-1943 + U125 Sank East of New Foundland 6-5-1943 + U126 Sank in the North Atlantic 3-7-1943 + U127 Sank West of Gibraltar 15-12-1941 + U128 Sank South of Pernambuco 28-5-1943 * U129 Taken out of service in Lorient July- Aug 1944. Later Self Destroyed. U130 Sank in the North Atlantic 12-3-1943 + U131 Sank North of Madeira 17-12-1941 * U132 Sank South East of Cape Farewell, Greenland 5-11-1942 + U133 Sank for Salamis 14-3-1942 + U134 Sank for Vigo 24-8-1943 + U135 Sank between Cap Juby / Africa und Canary Islands 15-7-1943 * U136 Sank West of Madeira 11-7-1942 + U137 Self Destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U138 Sank West of Cadiz 18-6-1941 * U139 Self Destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U140 Self Destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U141 Self Destroyed in Wilhelmshaven Mai 1945 U142 Self Destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U143 Given to the allied forces 30-6-1945 U144 Sank North of Dägo, just at the entrance of Finnenbusen 9-8-1941 + U145 Given to the allied forces 30-6-1945 U146 Self Destroyed at Wilhelmshaven 2-5-1945 U147 Sank North West of Ireland 2-6-1941 + U148 Self Destroyed 2-5-1945 U149 Given to the Allied Forces 30-6-1945 U150 Given to the Allied Forces 30-6-1945 U151 Self Destroyed 2-5-1945 U152 Self Destroyed Mai 1945 U153 Sank Caribbean Sea for Colon (Panama) 13-7-1942 + U154 Sank West of Madeira 3-7-1944 + U155 Given to the Allied Forces 30-6-1945 U156 Sank Mid Atlantik 8-3-1943 + U157 Sank Gulf of Mexico 13-6-1942 + U158 Sank in the Atlantik West of Bermuda 30-6-1942 + U159 Sank in the Caribbean Sea 15-7-1943 + U160 Sank mid Atlantik 14-7-1943 + U161 Sank for Bahia 27-9-1943 + U162 Sank for Trinidad 3-9-1942 * U163 Trackless in Lorient 15-3-1943 + U164 Sank North West of Pernambuco 6-1-1943 * U165 Since 27-9-1942 Trackless in Biskaya + U166 Sank in the Gulf of Mexico 1-8-1942 + U167 Self Destroyed by the Canary Islands 6-4-1943 U168 Sank in the Java-Sea for Samarang 6-10-1944 * U169 Sank in the North Atlantik 27-3-1943 + U170 Given to the Allied Forces Mai 1945 and Destroyed U171 Sank in Biskaya 9-10-1942 * U172 Sank West of the Canary Islands 12-12-1942 * U173 Sank for Casablanca 16-11-1942 + U174 Sank South of Newfoundland 27-4-1943* U175 Sank South West of Ireland 17-4-1943 * U176 Sank in Floridastreet 15-5-1943 + U177 Sank in South Atlantik 6-2-1944 * U178 Self Destroyed 20-8-1944 U179 Sank for Capetown 8-10—1942 + U180 Sank in Biskaya 22-8-1944 + U181 Given to Japan 6-5-1945 U182 Sank in South Atlantik 16-5-1943 + U183 Sank in the Java-Sea 24-4-1945 + U184 Sank in the Middle Atlantik 20-11-1942 + U185 Sank in the Middle Atlantik 24-8-1943 * U186 Sank in the North Atlantik 14-5-1943 + U187 Sank in the North Atlantik 4-2-1943 * U188 Self Destroyed in Bordeaux 20-8-1944 U189 Sank East of Cape Farewell 24-4-1943 + U190 Given to the Allied Forces in Halifax Mai 1945 and Destroyed U191 Sank South East of Cape Farewell 25-4-1943 + U192 Sank in the North Atlantik 5-5-1943 + U193 Sank West of Nantes 28-4-1944 + U194 Sank South West of Iceland 24-6-1943 + U195 Given to Japan U196 Since 30-11-1944 trackless South of Java + U197 Sank South of Madagaskar 20-8-1943 + U198 Sank in the Indian Ocean 12-8-1944 + U199 Sank for Rio the Janeiro 31-7-1943 * U200 Sank South West of Iceland 24-6-1943 U201 Sank East of New Foundland 17-2-1943 + U202 Sank by Cape Farewell Greenland 2-6-1943 * U203 Sank South East of Cape Farewell Greenland 25-4-1943 * U204 Sank for the Street of Gibraltar 19-10-1941 + U205 Sank east of the Miditerranean Sea 17-2-1943 * U206 Sank in Biskaya 30-11-1941 + U207 Sank South exit of the street of Denmark 19-9-1941 + U208 Sank West of the street of Gibraltar 11-11-1941 + U209 Sank in the North Atlantik by Greenland 19-5-1943 + U210 Sank South of Cape Farewell 6-8-1942 * U211 Sank East of the Azores 19-11-1943 + U212 Sank South of Brighton 21-7-1944 + U213 Sank in the North Atlantik 31-7 1942 + U214 Sank in the Canal 26-7-1944 + U215 Sank in the North Atlantik 3-7-1942 + U216 Sank South West of Ireland 20-10-1942 + U217 Sank in Middle Atlantik 5-6-1943 + U218 Given to the Allied forces and there after destroyed May 1945 U219 Given to Japan May 1945 U220 Sank in Middle Atlantik 27-10-1943 + U221 Sank South West of Ireland 27-9-1943 + U222 Sank in the curve of Danzig 2-9-1942 * U223 Sank North of Palermo 29-3-1944 * U224 Sank West of Algiers 13-1-1943 * U225 Sank in the North Atlantik 21-2-1943 + U226 Sank East of New Foundland 6-11-1943 + U227 Sank North of the Faroe Islands 30-4-1943 + U228 U229 Sank South East of Cape Farewell, Greenland 22-9-1943 + U230 Self destroyed in Toulon 21-8-1944 U231 Sank North East of the Azoren 13-1-1944 * U232 Sank West of Oporta 8-7-1943 + U233 Sank North Atlantik East of Halifax 6-7-1944 * U234 Given to the Allied forces 16-5-1945 U235 Sank in Kattegatt 14-4-1945 + U236 Self Destroyed Schleimündung 4-5-1944 * U237 Sank at Kiel 4-4-1945 * U238 Sank South West of Ireland 9-2-1944 * U239 Taken out of service in Kiel 24-7-1944 U240 Sank North Wwest of Faroer 16-5-1944 + U241 Sank North East of Faroer 18-5-1944 + U242 Trackless since 3-4-1945 U243 Sank West of Nantes 8-7-1944 * U244 Given to the Allied Forces and there after destroyed May 1945 U245 Given to the Allied forces and there after destroyed May 1945 U246 Sank in Canal bei Landsend 29-3-1945 + U247 Sank in England Canal 1-9-1944 + U248 Sank in North Atlantik 16-1-1945 + U249 Given to the Allied forces 8-5-1945 U250 Sank Moivisto- Meerenge Finnenbusen 30-7-1944 * U251 Sank at Kattegatt South of Göteborg 19-4-1945 * U252 Sank Southwest of Ireland 14-4-1942 + U253 Sank North East of Ireland 23-9-1942 + U254 Sank North Atlantic close to Greenland 8-12-1942 * U255 Given to the Allied forces and thereafter destroyed May 1945 U256 Given to the Allied forces 1945 U257 Sank in the North Atlantic 24-2-1944 * U258 Sank in the North Atlantic 21-5-1943 + U259 Sank North of Algiers 15-11-1942 + U260 Self destroyed South of Ireland 12-3-1945 U261 Sank West of the Shetland Isles 15-9-1942 + U262 U263 Sank for La Rochelle 20-1-1944 + U264 Sank in the North A1tlantic 19-2-1944 * U265 Sank South of Iceland 3-2-1943 + U266 Sank Middle of North Atlantic 14-5-1943 * U267 Self destroyed at Flensburger Förde 5-5-1945 U268 Sank West of Nantes 19-2-1943 + U269 Sank at the England Canal 27-6-1944 * U270 Sank West of La Rochelle 12-8-1944 * U271 Sank West of Limerick/ Ireland 28-1-1944 * U272 Sank by Hela 12-11-1942 * U273 Sank South West of Iceland 19-5-1943 + U274 Sank South West of Iceland 23-10-1943 + U275 Sank South of Newhaven 10-3-1945 * U276 Given to the Allied forces in Neustadt AD 29-9-1944 ? U277 Sank South West of Bäreninsel 1-5-1944 + U278 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U279 Sank South West of Iceland 4-10-1943 + U280 Sank middle of the North Atlantic 16-11-1943 + U281 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed May 1945 U282 Sank in the North Atlantic 29-10-1943 + U283 Sank South West of the Färöer Islands 11-2-1944 + U284 Sank middle of the North Atlantic 21-12-1943 * U285 Sank South West of Ireland 15-4-1945 + U286 Sank in the Barendssea before Murmansk 29-4-1945 + U287 Sank in the Elbmündung 16-5-1945 * U288 Sank South East of the Bäreninsel 3-4-1944 * U289 Sank South West of the Bäreninsel 31-5-1944 * U290 Self destroyed in the Geltinger Bucht 5-5-1945 U291 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 24-6-1945 U292 Sank West of Drontheim 27-5-1944 + U293 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed May 1945 U294 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U295 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U296 Sank in North Canal before Ireland 22-3-1945 + U297 Sank Pentland Firth 6-12-1944 + U298 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed May 1945 U299 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed May 1945 U300 Sank for Cardiz 22-2-1945 * U301 Sank West of Bonefacio/ Corsica 21-1-1943 + U302 Sank North West of the Azoren 6-4-1944 + U303 Sank South of Toulon 21-5- 1943 * U304 Sank South East of Cape Farewell 28-5-1943 + U305 Sank South West of Ireland 17-1-1944 + U306 Sank North East of the Azoren 31—10-1943 + U307 Sank before Murmansk 29-4-1945 * U308 Sank North East of the Färöer 4-6-1943 + U309 Sank before Moray Firth 16-2-1945 + U310 Given to the Allied forces Drontheim AD dann 10-5-1945 U311 Sank South West of Ireland 24-4-1944 + U312 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U313 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U314 Sank South East of the Bären Isle 30-1-1944 + U315 Given to the Allied forces Mai 1945 1-5-1945 AD (Looking for more information) U316 Self destroyed for Travemünde 2-5-1945 U317 Sank North East of the Shetland Isle’s 26-6-1944 + U318 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed 19-5-1945 U319 Sank West South West of Lindesnes Norway 15-7-1944 * U320 Sank west of Bergen 7-5-1945 * U321 Sank South West of Ireland 2-4-1945 + U322 Sank West of the Shetland Isle’s 25-11-1944 + U323 Self Destroyed in Nordenham 3-5-1945 U324 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed Mai 1945 U325 Sank by the Isle of Man 30-4-1945 + U326 Trackless since April 1945 sea around England U327 Sank bei Landsend 27-2-1945 + U328 Given to the Allied forces and destroyed Mai 1945 U329 Destroyed in Bremen by Airplanes 30-3-1945 U330 U331 Sank North West of Algiers 13-11-1942 * U332 Sank in Biskaya 2-5-1943 + U333 Sank in North Atlantik 31-7-1944 * U334 Sank South West of Iceland 14-6-1943 + U335 Sank North East of the Faroer Isle’s 3-8-1942 * U336 Sank South West of Iceland 4-10-1943 + U337 Sank South West of Iceland 15-1-1943 + U338 Sank South West of Iceland 20-9-1943 + U339 Self destroyed in Wilhelmshaven 3-5-1945 U340 Sank in the Atlantik 1-11-1943 * U341 Sank South West of Iceland 19-9-1943 + U342 Sank South of Iceland 17-4-1944 * U343 Sank South of Sardinien 10-3-1944 + U344 Sank North East of the North Cap 24-8-1944 + U345 Given to the Allied forces 27-12-1945 (Looking for more information) U346 Bei Hela durch Tauchpanne gesunken 20-9-1943 + (Looking for more information) U347 Sank West of Narvik 17-7-1944 * U348 Sank by air attack on Hamburg March 1945 * U349 Self destroyed In der Geltinger Bucht 5-5-1945 U350 Destroyed by Air Attack in Hamburg March 1945 * ... to be continued '*' means: u-boot sank with survivors '+' means: u-boot sank without survivors ![]() |